Replace JUL Logger.config(Supplier) with SLF4J's Logger.atInfo().log(Supplier)$JulToSlf4jSupplierConfigRecipe

Replace calls to java.util.logging.Logger.config(Supplier<String>) with org.slf4j.Logger.atInfo().log(Supplier<String>).

Recipe source

GitHub, Issue Tracker, Maven Central

  • groupId: org.openrewrite.recipe

  • artifactId: rewrite-logging-frameworks

  • version: 2.10.0


This recipe has no required configuration options. It can be activated by adding a dependency on org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-logging-frameworks:2.10.0 in your build file or by running a shell command (in which case no build changes are needed):

  1. Add the following to your build.gradle file:

plugins {
    id("org.openrewrite.rewrite") version("6.16.3")

rewrite {

repositories {

dependencies {
  1. Run gradle rewriteRun to run the recipe.

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Last updated