Supported languages

As of February 2024, OpenRewrite supports:

Programming languages

  • Java

  • Kotlin

  • Groovy

Data formats

  • XML

  • Properties

  • YAML

  • JSON

  • Protobuf

Build tools

  • Maven

  • Gradle


Framework migration recipes are developed through collaboration between the OpenRewrite team, the original framework authors, and the wider OSS community. Each recipe in our recipe catalog includes a list of contributing authors.

Many different frameworks are supported such as (but not limited to):

  • Spring

  • Quarkus

  • Micronaut

  • Jakarta

Moderne offers support for additional languages (such as JavaScript, Python, Ruby, COBOL, etc). If you want to see all the languages and tools Moderne supports, consider checking out the Moderne support languages doc. Or, if you want to see what's in the pipeline for Moderne, you can check out the Moderne language roadmap.

Last updated