Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Frequently asked questions about OpenRewrite, Moderne, and recipe development.
Latest versions of every OpenRewrite module
An autogenerated table with the latest version of each OpenRewrite module. Updates on an OpenRewrite release.
Moderne Recipes
An autogenerated list of recipes that are exclusive to Moderne.
Recipes with Data Tables
An autogenerated list of all recipes that contain a unique data table.
Maven plugin configuration
An overview of the OpenRewrite Maven Plugin, including its goals and how to configure them.
Gradle plugin configuration
An overview of the OpenRewrite Gradle Plugin, including its tasks and how to configure them.
Supported languages
A list of what languages, formats, build tools, and frameworks supported by OpenRewrite.
How to use snapshot versions
How to configure your project to access snapshot versions of OpenRewrite.
JsonPath and JsonPathMatcher reference
An explanation of what JsonPath/JsonPathMatcher are and how to use them.
Declarative YAML format
How to create and configure a recipe using YAML.
Method patterns
How to create and use type-aware method patterns.
Dependency version selectors
A look into the various ways you can specify versions of dependencies.
Framework provided markers
A reference doc that explains what LST metadata is available to recipe authors.
Building and developing OpenRewrite
How to build and develop OpenRewrite – including IDE tips and OS caveats.
OpenRewrite recipes created by the community
A list of projects that have created OpenRewrite recipes and integrated them into their projects.