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Remove redundant explicit dependency and plugin versions


Remove explicitly-specified dependency/plugin versions when a parent POM's dependencyManagement/pluginManagement specifies the version.

Recipe source

GitHub, Issue Tracker, Maven Central


StringgroupPatternOptional. Group glob expression pattern used to match dependencies that should be managed.Group is the first part of a dependency coordinate*
StringartifactPatternOptional. Artifact glob expression pattern used to match dependencies that should be managed.Artifact is the second part of a dependency coordinate*
BooleanonlyIfVersionsMatchOptional. Deprecated; use onlyIfManagedVersionIs instead. Only remove the explicit version if it exactly matches the managed dependency version. When false explicit versions will be removed if they are older than or equal to the managed dependency version. Default true.
ComparatoronlyIfManagedVersionIsOptional. Only remove the explicit version if the managed version has the specified comparative relationship to the explicit version. For example, gte will only remove the explicit version if the managed version is the same or newer. Default eq. Valid options: ANY, EQ, LT, LTE, GT, GTE
ListexceptOptional. Accepts a list of GAVs. Dependencies matching a GAV will be ignored by this recipe. GAV versions are ignored if


This recipe is available under the Apache License 2.0.


This recipe has no required configuration parameters and comes from a rewrite core library. It can be activated directly without adding any dependencies.

  1. Add the following to your pom.xml file:
  1. Run mvn rewrite:run to run the recipe.

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Please contact Moderne for more information about safely running the recipes on your own codebase in a private SaaS.

Data Tables

Source files that had results


Source files that were modified by the recipe run.

Column NameDescription
Source path before the runThe source path of the file before the run. null when a source file was created during the run.
Source path after the runA recipe may modify the source path. This is the path after the run. null when a source file was deleted during the run.
Parent of the recipe that made changesIn a hierarchical recipe, the parent of the recipe that made a change. Empty if this is the root of a hierarchy or if the recipe is not hierarchical at all.
Recipe that made changesThe specific recipe that made a change.
Estimated time savingAn estimated effort that a developer to fix manually instead of using this recipe, in unit of seconds.
CycleThe recipe cycle in which the change was made.

Source files that errored on a recipe


The details of all errors produced by a recipe run.

Column NameDescription
Source pathThe file that failed to parse.
Recipe that made changesThe specific recipe that made a change.
Stack traceThe stack trace of the failure.

Recipe performance


Statistics used in analyzing the performance of recipes.

Column NameDescription
The recipeThe recipe whose stats are being measured both individually and cumulatively.
Source file countThe number of source files the recipe ran over.
Source file changed countThe number of source files which were changed in the recipe run. Includes files created, deleted, and edited.
Cumulative scanning timeThe total time spent across the scanning phase of this recipe.
99th percentile scanning time99 out of 100 scans completed in this amount of time.
Max scanning timeThe max time scanning any one source file.
Cumulative edit timeThe total time spent across the editing phase of this recipe.
99th percentile edit time99 out of 100 edits completed in this amount of time.
Max edit timeThe max time editing any one source file.


Nick McKinney, Sam Snyder, DidierLoiseau, Kevin McCarpenter, Jonathan Schneider, Adriano Machado, Tim te Beek, Ryan Hudson, Niels de Bruin, rob-valor, Jonathan Leitschuh, Kyle Scully