Recipe development environment
Instructions for setting up your local development environment to create OpenRewrite recipes.
Types of recipes
Describes what the three types of recipes are, and what their advantages/disadvantages are.
Writing a Java refactoring recipe
A step-by-step guide to creating imperative Java recipes and their corresponding tests.
Creating Refaster template recipes
A step-by-step guide to creating Refaster template recipes and their corresponding tests.
Testing recipes
A deep, technical look into how to effectively write tests for OpenRewrite recipes.
Recipe conventions and best practices
A list of important conventions and best practices to keep in mind when writing OpenRewrite recipes.
Modifying methods with JavaTemplates
A deeper look into how you can use JavaTemplates to refactor/modify methods.
Creating recipes that run ESLint plugins
How to create a recipe that uses custom ESLint plugins or other CLI tools.
Creating recipes with data tables
How to create a recipe that produces a data table.
Multiple visitors in one recipe
How to create recipes that contain and use multiple visitors.
Multiple source file types
How to create recipes that examine many different types of files.
Multiple versions of a library
How to add and use multiple versions of a library in a recipe.
Recipe authoring workshop
How to create and test recipes with OpenRewrite and Moderne.