Migrate to Spring Boot 2.2


Migrate applications to the latest Spring Boot 2.2 release. This recipe will modify an application's build files, make changes to deprecated/preferred APIs, and migrate configuration settings that have changes between versions. This recipe will also chain additional framework migrations (Spring Framework, Spring Data, etc) that are required as part of the migration to Spring Boot 2.2.


  • spring

  • boot

Recipe source

GitHub, Issue Tracker, Maven Central

  • groupId: org.openrewrite.recipe

  • artifactId: rewrite-spring

  • version: 5.15.0

This recipe is composed of more than one recipe. If you want to customize the set of recipes this is composed of, you can find and copy the GitHub source for the recipe from the link above.

Data Tables

Source files that had results


Source files that were modified by the recipe run.

Source files that errored on a recipe


The details of all errors produced by a recipe run.

Recipe performance


Statistics used in analyzing the performance of recipes.


This recipe has no required configuration options. It can be activated by adding a dependency on org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-spring:5.15.0 in your build file or by running a shell command (in which case no build changes are needed):

  1. Add the following to your build.gradle file:

plugins {
    id("org.openrewrite.rewrite") version("6.16.4")

rewrite {

repositories {

dependencies {
  1. Run gradle rewriteRun to run the recipe.


See how this recipe works across multiple open-source repositories

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Please contact Moderne for more information about safely running the recipes on your own codebase in a private SaaS.


Tyler Van Gorder, Knut Wannheden, Nick McKinney, Patrick, Aaron Gershman, Tim te Beek, traceyyoshima, Patrick Way, Jonathan Schnéider, Jonathan Schneider, Kyle Scully, Kun Li, Sam Snyder, Tim te Beek, Simon Verhoeven

Last updated