Upgrade transitive Gradle dependencies


Upgrades the version of a transitive dependency in a Gradle build file. There are many ways to do this in Gradle, so the mechanism for upgrading a transitive dependency must be considered carefully depending on your style of dependency management.

Recipe source

GitHub, Issue Tracker, Maven Central

  • groupId: org.openrewrite

  • artifactId: rewrite-gradle

  • version: 8.24.0


Data Tables (Only available on the Moderne platform)

Maven metadata failures

Attempts to resolve maven metadata that failed.


This recipe has required configuration parameters. Recipes with required configuration parameters cannot be activated directly. To activate this recipe you must create a new recipe which fills in the required parameters. In your rewrite.yml create a new recipe with a unique name. For example: com.yourorg.UpgradeTransitiveDependencyVersionExample. Here's how you can define and customize such a recipe within your rewrite.yml:

type: specs.openrewrite.org/v1beta/recipe
name: com.yourorg.UpgradeTransitiveDependencyVersionExample
displayName: Upgrade transitive Gradle dependencies example
  - org.openrewrite.gradle.UpgradeTransitiveDependencyVersion:
      groupId: com.fasterxml.jackson*
      artifactId: jackson-module*
      version: 29.X
      versionPattern: '-jre'
      because: CVE-2021-1234

Now that com.yourorg.UpgradeTransitiveDependencyVersionExample has been defined activate it in your build file:

  1. Add the following to your build.gradle file:

plugins {
    id("org.openrewrite.rewrite") version("6.12.0")

rewrite {

repositories {
  1. Run gradle rewriteRun to run the recipe.

See how this recipe works across multiple open-source repositories

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Please contact Moderne for more information about safely running the recipes on your own codebase in a private SaaS.


Jonathan Schnéider, Sam Snyder, Jente Sondervorst, Shannon Pamperl

Last updated