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Using multiple versions of a library in a project

Recipes are commonly grouped based on their goals. Maven recipes are put in the same project as other Maven recipes, Gradle recipes are put in the same project as other Gradle recipes, and so on. This has a variety of benefits: it's easier to share logic between recipes, fewer dependencies are needed, and it's easier to find recipes you care about.

However, what if you're making migration recipes that help others get to the latest version? Your project might need many different versions of the same library. For instance, a Mockito migration project might need Mockito versions 1, 2, 3, and 4.

If you tried to add many versions of the same library in your build.gradle or pom.xml file, you would find that, by default, only the newest one is used. Without multiple versions, though, you wouldn't be able to test that your recipes were performing correctly as the expected code might not even compile.

Fortunately, OpenRewrite has added some functionality to help with this predicament. Below we'll walk through how to add multiple versions of a library to a project and how to use those different versions in different tests.

Manually copying JARs and using the classpathFromResources function

In your project, you can put many different versions (JARs) of the same library in the src/main/resources/META-INF/rewrite/classpath directory. Then, in your tests, you can specify which one(s) you want to use by utilizing the classpathFromResources function.

For instance, if you wanted to default to using junit-4.13.2 and mockito-core-3.12.4 in your tests, you could add this to your test file:

public void defaults(RecipeSpec spec) {
.classpathFromResources(new InMemoryExecutionContext(), "junit-4.13.2", "mockito-core-3.12.4"));

If you wanted to use a different version of these libraries in another test or in another file, all you would need to do is add the corresponding JAR to the src/main/resources/META-INF/rewrite/classpath directory and specify the new version in the classpathFromResources function.

OpenRewrite recipe library

The above solution works and is what you'll need to do for Maven projects. For Gradle projects, however, there's an easier option than manually downloading and copying the JARs into the src/main/resources/META-INF/rewrite directory.

You can, instead, use the OpenRewrite recipe-library plugin. You can apply this plugin by adding this to your build.gradle file:

plugins {
id("") version "latest.release"

With the recipe-library plugin added, you can then add a recipeDependencies section in your build.gradle file. In there, you can add a parserClasspath that specifies a dependency and its corresponding version:

recipeDependencies {

Type Tables

After the plugin has been applied, you can run the createTypeTable task. This will create a file inside of the src/main/resources/META-INF/rewrite directory.

That file is a TypeTable – which is a tab separated values file that contains references to public API elements such as methods or fields.

The benefit of a TypeTable is that you don't need to pull down the entire JAR to be able to compile specific types. As this TypeTable is not a class, and it can't be re-hydrated into anything executable, it does not trigger security vulnerability scanners (which was a concern with the previous recipeDependencies task – more on that below). Furthermore, it greatly reduces the size of your dependencies (by roughly 90%), which makes releases significantly smaller.

With the TypeTable file created, you can use the classpathFromResources function in the same way as above.

downloadRecipeDependencies task

Similar to the above createTypeTable task, there is also a downloadRecipeDependencies task available. This will download the corresponding JAR for every dependency specified in downloadRecipeDependencies and put them in the src/main/resources/META-INF/rewrite directory. From there, you could use the classpathFromResources function in the same way as above.

The main downside of this task is that it can result in security vulnerability scanners incorrectly flagging these JARs as a concern.

That being said, there may be some cases where you want to use this task – such as when there are meta annotations and TypeTables don't work.