Composite Recipes
Recipes that include further recipes, often including the individual recipes below.
- Change S3 method constructors to fluent builder calls
- Change S3 methods to v2.
- Change SDK Exception types from v1 to v2
- Change SDK TransferManager types from v1 to v2
- Change SDK core types from v1 to v2
- Change auth related classes from v1 to v2
- Change config related classes from v1 to v2
- Change new objects creation to Builder pattern
- Change region related classes
- Change v1 Maven/Gradle dependencies to v2
- Change v1 enum getters to v2
- Migrate from the AWS SDK for Java v1 to the AWS SDK for Java v2
- Migrate from the AWS SDK for Java v1 to the AWS SDK for Java v2 including S3 Transfer Manager.
- Add AWS SDK for Java v2 S3 Transfer Manager dependency if needed
- Add a comment to a method
- Change AWS SDK for Java v1 types to v2 equivalents
- Convert ByteBuffer to SdkBytes
- Convert SdkBytes to ByteBuffer
- Convert the method parameter from numeric type to duration
- Move HTTP settings from the ClientOverrideConfiguration to ApacheHttpClient for sync and NettyNioAsyncHttpClient for async
- Moves constructor arguments to fluent setters
- Transfer Manager Methods to V2
- Transform 'new' expressions to builders
- Transform 'new' expressions to static factory methods
- V1 Enum Casing to V2
- V1 Getter to V2
- V1 S3 non-streaming requests to V2
- V1 S3 non-streaming requests to V2
- V1 S3 streaming requests to V2
- V1 S3Object to V2
- V1 Setter to V2
- V1 client builder variations to builder()
- Wrap the region string provided on the SDK client builder with Region.of