- Disallow arrow functions where they could be confused with comparisons
- Disallow extra closing tags for components without children
- Disallow leading or trailing decimal points in numeric literals
- Disallow missing parentheses around multiline JSX
- Disallow multiple empty lines
- Disallow multiple spaces
- Disallow multiple spaces between inline JSX props
- Disallow or enforce spaces inside of blocks after opening block and before closing block
- Disallow trailing whitespace at the end of lines
- Disallow unnecessary JSX expressions when literals alone are sufficient or enforce JSX expressions on literals in JSX children or attributes
- Disallow unnecessary parentheses
- Disallow unnecessary semicolons
- Disallow whitespace before properties
- Enforce JSX indentation
- Enforce PascalCase for user-defined JSX components
- Enforce closing bracket location in JSX
- Enforce closing tag location for multiline JSX
- Enforce consistent brace style for blocks
- Enforce consistent comma style
- Enforce consistent indentation
- Enforce consistent line breaks after opening and before closing braces
- Enforce consistent line breaks inside function parentheses
- Enforce consistent linebreak style
- Enforce consistent linebreak style for operators
- Enforce consistent linebreaks in curly braces in JSX attributes and expressions
- Enforce consistent newlines before and after dots
- Enforce consistent spacing after the `//` or `/*` in a comment
- Enforce consistent spacing around `*` operators in generator functions
- Enforce consistent spacing before `function` definition opening parenthesis
- Enforce consistent spacing before and after commas
- Enforce consistent spacing before and after keywords
- Enforce consistent spacing before and after semicolons
- Enforce consistent spacing before and after the arrow in arrow functions
- Enforce consistent spacing before blocks
- Enforce consistent spacing before or after unary operators
- Enforce consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties
- Enforce consistent spacing inside array brackets
- Enforce consistent spacing inside braces
- Enforce consistent spacing inside computed property brackets
- Enforce consistent spacing inside parentheses
- Enforce line breaks after each array element
- Enforce line breaks between arguments of a function call
- Enforce linebreaks after opening and before closing array brackets
- Enforce location of semicolons
- Enforce maximum of props on a single line in JSX
- Enforce newlines between operands of ternary expressions
- Enforce or disallow parentheses when invoking a constructor with no arguments
- Enforce or disallow spaces around equal signs in JSX attributes
- Enforce or disallow spaces inside of curly braces in JSX attributes and expressions
- Enforce placing object properties on separate lines
- Enforce proper position of the first property in JSX
- Enforce props alphabetical sorting
- Enforce props indentation in JSX
- Enforce spacing around colons of switch statements
- Enforce spacing between rest and spread operators and their expressions
- Enforce the consistent use of either backticks, double, or single quotes
- Enforce the consistent use of either double or single quotes in JSX attributes
- Enforce the location of arrow function bodies
- Enforce the location of single-line statements
- Enforce whitespace in and around the JSX opening and closing brackets
- Enforces consistent spacing inside TypeScript type generics
- Expect space before the type declaration in the named tuple
- Indentation for binary operators
- Recommended ESLint Styling
- Require a newline after each call in a method chain
- Require a specific member delimiter style for interfaces and type literals
- Require consistent spacing around type annotations
- Require empty lines around comments
- Require one JSX element per line
- Require or disallow an empty line between class members
- Require or disallow newline at the end of files
- Require or disallow newlines around variable declarations
- Require or disallow padding lines between statements
- Require or disallow padding within blocks
- Require or disallow semicolons instead of ASI
- Require or disallow spacing around embedded expressions of template strings
- Require or disallow spacing around the `` in `yield` expressions
- Require or disallow spacing between function identifiers and their invocations
- Require or disallow spacing between function identifiers and their invocations. Alias of `function-call-spacing`.
- Require or disallow spacing between template tags and their literals
- Require or disallow trailing commas
- Require or prevent a new line after jsx elements and expressions.
- Require parentheses around arrow function arguments
- Require parentheses around immediate `function` invocations
- Require parenthesis around regex literals
- Require quotes around object literal property names
- Require spacing around infix operators