Lint source code with ESLint
Run ESLint across the code to fix common static analysis issues in the code. This requires the code to have an existing ESLint configuration.
Recipe source
GitHub, Issue Tracker, Maven Central
Type | Name | Description | Example |
List | patterns | Optional. The lint target files. This can contain any of file paths, directory paths, and glob patterns. | lib/**/*.js |
String | parser | Optional. Parser used by ESLint to parse the source files. Defaults to @typescript-eslint/parser . See ESLint documentation for more details. | esprima |
List | parserOptions | Optional. A list of parser options for ESLint. The format is key: value . Defaults to ecmaVersion: "latest", ecmaFeatures: { jsx: true }, sourceType: "module" . See ESLint documentation for more details. | ecmaVersion: 6, ecmaFeatures: { jsx: true } |
Boolean | allowInlineConfig | Optional. Whether inline config comments are allowed. Defaults to false . See ESLint documentation for more details. | true |
List | envs | Optional. A list of env mappings for ESLint. The format is key: value . | browser: true |
List | globals | Optional. Define global variables for rules that require knowledge of these. | var1, var2: writable |
List | plugins | Optional. A list of plugins for ESLint. | @typescript-eslint, prettier |
List | extend | Optional. A list of extends for ESLint. | eslint:recommended, prettier |
List | rules | Optional. List of rules to be checked by ESLint. Optionally, the severity and other rule options can also be specified as e.g. off , warn or ["error", "always"] . The severity off is useful when the rule is declared by an extended shareable config. For more information, see the ESLint documentation | eqeqeq: warn, multiline-comment-style: ["error", "starred-block"], prettier/prettier |
Boolean | fix | Optional. Automatically fix violations when possible. Defaults to true . | false |
String | configFile | Optional. Allows specifying the full ESLint configuration file contents as multiline JSON. See ESLint documentation for more details. |
Note that this will override any other configuration options. | {}
This recipe is available under the Moderne Source Available License.
This recipe has no required configuration options. It can be activated by adding a dependency on org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-codemods
in your build file or by running a shell command (in which case no build changes are needed):
- Gradle
- Gradle init script
- Maven POM
- Maven Command Line
- Moderne CLI
- Add the following to your
plugins {
id("org.openrewrite.rewrite") version("7.3.0")
rewrite {
repositories {
dependencies {
- Run
gradle rewriteRun
to run the recipe.
- Create a file named
in the root of your project.
initscript {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies { classpath("org.openrewrite:plugin:7.3.0") }
rootProject {
dependencies {
rewrite {
afterEvaluate {
if (repositories.isEmpty()) {
repositories {
- Run the recipe.
gradle --init-script init.gradle rewriteRun
- Add the following to your
- Run
mvn rewrite:run
to run the recipe.
You will need to have Maven installed on your machine before you can run the following command.
mvn -U org.openrewrite.maven:rewrite-maven-plugin:run -Drewrite.recipeArtifactCoordinates=org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-codemods:RELEASE -Drewrite.activeRecipes=org.openrewrite.codemods.ESLint -Drewrite.exportDatatables=true
You will need to have configured the Moderne CLI on your machine before you can run the following command.
mod run . --recipe ESLint
If the recipe is not available locally, then you can install it using:
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-codemods:0.11.0
See how this recipe works across multiple open-source repositories
Run this recipe on OSS repos at scale with the Moderne SaaS.

The community edition of the Moderne platform enables you to easily run recipes across thousands of open-source repositories.
Please contact Moderne for more information about safely running the recipes on your own codebase in a private SaaS.
Data Tables
ESLint messages
Errors and warnings as reported by ESLint.
Column Name | Description |
Source Path | The source path of the file. |
Rule ID | ESLint Rule ID. |
Severity | Either Warning or Error . |
Fatal | Is this a fatal error (like a parse error). |
Message | The message created by the rule. |
Line | Line in source file this message pertains to. |
Column | Column in source file this message pertains to. |
Source files that had results
Source files that were modified by the recipe run.
Column Name | Description |
Source path before the run | The source path of the file before the run. null when a source file was created during the run. |
Source path after the run | A recipe may modify the source path. This is the path after the run. null when a source file was deleted during the run. |
Parent of the recipe that made changes | In a hierarchical recipe, the parent of the recipe that made a change. Empty if this is the root of a hierarchy or if the recipe is not hierarchical at all. |
Recipe that made changes | The specific recipe that made a change. |
Estimated time saving | An estimated effort that a developer to fix manually instead of using this recipe, in unit of seconds. |
Cycle | The recipe cycle in which the change was made. |
Source files that errored on a recipe
The details of all errors produced by a recipe run.
Column Name | Description |
Source path | The file that failed to parse. |
Recipe that made changes | The specific recipe that made a change. |
Stack trace | The stack trace of the failure. |
Recipe performance
Statistics used in analyzing the performance of recipes.
Column Name | Description |
The recipe | The recipe whose stats are being measured both individually and cumulatively. |
Source file count | The number of source files the recipe ran over. |
Source file changed count | The number of source files which were changed in the recipe run. Includes files created, deleted, and edited. |
Cumulative scanning time | The total time spent across the scanning phase of this recipe. |
99th percentile scanning time | 99 out of 100 scans completed in this amount of time. |
Max scanning time | The max time scanning any one source file. |
Cumulative edit time | The total time spent across the editing phase of this recipe. |
99th percentile edit time | 99 out of 100 edits completed in this amount of time. |
Max edit time | The max time editing any one source file. |