org.openrewrite.gradle.plugins.AddDevelocityGradlePlugin: Add the Develocity Gradle plugin to settings.gradle files.
org.openrewrite.maven.AddDevelocityMavenExtension: To integrate the Develocity Maven extension into Maven projects, ensure that the gradle-enterprise-maven-extension is added to the .mvn/extensions.xml file if not already present. Additionally, configure the extension by adding the .mvn/gradle-enterprise.xml configuration file.
org.openrewrite.gradle.plugins.AddGradleEnterpriseGradlePlugin: Add the Gradle Enterprise Gradle plugin to settings.gradle files.
org.openrewrite.maven.AddGradleEnterpriseMavenExtension: To integrate Gradle Enterprise Maven extension into maven projects, ensure that the gradle-enterprise-maven-extension is added to the .mvn/extensions.xml file if not already present. Additionally, configure the extension by adding the .mvn/gradle-enterprise.xml configuration file.