Remove extends DefaultBatchConfigurer and @Override from associated methods. Converts HeadersConfigurer chained call from Spring Security pre 5.2.x into new lambda DSL style calls and removes and() methods. Replaces MediaType.parseMediaType('application/json') and MediaType.valueOf('application/json') with MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON`. Replace HttpSecurity.authorizeRequests(...) deprecated in Spring Security 6 with HttpSecurity.authorizeHttpRequests(...) and all method calls on the resultant object respectively. Replace deprecated AbstractInterceptUrlConfigurer and its deprecated subclasses with AuthorizeHttpRequestsConfigurer and its corresponding subclasses. Migrate applications to the latest Spring Security 5.7 release. This recipe will modify an application's build files, make changes to deprecated/preferred APIs, and migrate configuration settings that have changes between versions. Migrate applications to the latest Spring Security 6.1 release. This recipe will modify an application's build files, make changes to deprecated/preferred APIs, and migrate configuration settings that have changes between versions. Converts OAuth2ClientConfigurer chained call from Spring Security pre 5.2.x into new lambda DSL style calls and removes and() methods. Converts OAuth2LoginConfigurer chained call from Spring Security pre 5.2.x into new lambda DSL style calls and removes and() methods. Converts OAuth2ResourceServerConfigurer chained call from Spring Security pre 5.2.x into new lambda DSL style calls and removes and() methods. Replace HttpSecurity.authorizeRequests(...) deprecated in Spring Security 6 with HttpSecurity.authorizeHttpRequests(...) and all method calls on the resultant object respectively. Replace deprecated AbstractInterceptUrlConfigurer and its deprecated subclasses with AuthorizeHttpRequestsConfigurer and its corresponding subclasses.