8.48.0 release (2025-03-11)
Total recipe count: 3092
This changelog only shows what recipes have been added, removed, or changed. OpenRewrite may do releases that do not include these types of changes. To see these changes, please go to the releases page.
New Recipes
- io.moderne.moddy.ImproveRecipeDescriptors: Improving recipe display names and descriptions in turn improves Moddy.
- io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel410.CamelQuarkusMigrationRecipe: Migrates
camel 4.9
quarkus application tocamel 4.10
. - io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel49.CamelQuarkusMigrationRecipe: Migrates
camel 4.8
quarkus application tocamel 4.9
. - io.quarkus.updates.core.quarkus319.ConfigurationPropertiesChange:
- io.quarkus.updates.core.quarkus319.MoveAccessTokenAnnotationToNewPackage:
- org.openrewrite.codemods.Biome: Run Biome recommended settings on your projects.
- org.openrewrite.java.migrate.net.URLConstructorToURICreate: Converts
new URL(String)
constructor toURI.create(String).toURL()
. - org.openrewrite.java.migrate.net.URLConstructorsToNewURI: Converts
new URL(String, ..)
constructors tonew URI(String, ..).toURL()
. - software.amazon.awssdk.v2migration.AddTransferManagerDependency: This recipe will add the Java v2 S3 Transfer Manager dependency if v1 Transfer Manager is used
- software.amazon.awssdk.v2migration.AwsSdkJavaV1ToV2Experimental: This recipe will apply changes required for migrating from the AWS SDK for Java v1 to the AWS SDK for Java v2, including S3 Transfer Manager. Transforms for Transfer Manager are incomplete and in-progress.
- software.amazon.awssdk.v2migration.ByteBufferToSdkBytes: Convert ByteBuffer to SdkBytes by calling SdkBytes#fromByteBuffer
- software.amazon.awssdk.v2migration.ChangeTransferManagerTypes: Change SDK TransferManager types from v1 to v2.
- software.amazon.awssdk.v2migration.S3NonStreamingRequestToV2Complex: Transform usage of V1 S3 non-streaming requests to V2.
- software.amazon.awssdk.v2migration.TransferManagerMethodsToV2: Transfer Manager Methods to V2
Removed Recipes
- org.openrewrite.java.migrate.net.URLConstructorsToURIRecipes: Refaster template recipes for
. - org.openrewrite.java.migrate.net.URLConstructorsToURIRecipes$URLFourArgumentConstructorRecipe: Converts
new URL(String, String, int, String)
constructors tonew URI(...).toURL()
. - org.openrewrite.java.migrate.net.URLConstructorsToURIRecipes$URLSingleArgumentConstructorRecipe: Converts
new URL(String)
constructors toURI.create(String).toURL()
. - org.openrewrite.java.migrate.net.URLConstructorsToURIRecipes$URLThreeArgumentConstructorRecipe: Converts
new URL(String, String, String)
constructors tonew URI(...).toURL()
Changed Recipes
- org.openrewrite.yaml.MergeYaml was changed:
- Old Options:
acceptTheirs: { type: Boolean, required: false }
filePattern: { type: String, required: false }
insertMode: { type: InsertMode, required: false }
insertProperty: { type: String, required: false }
key: { type: String, required: true }
objectIdentifyingProperty: { type: String, required: false }
yaml: { type: String, required: true }
- New Options:
acceptTheirs: { type: Boolean, required: false }
createNewKeys: { type: Boolean, required: false }
filePattern: { type: String, required: false }
insertMode: { type: InsertMode, required: false }
insertProperty: { type: String, required: false }
key: { type: String, required: true }
objectIdentifyingProperty: { type: String, required: false }
yaml: { type: String, required: true }
- Old Options: