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8.34.0 release (2024-08-28)


This changelog only shows what recipes have been added, removed, or changed. OpenRewrite may do releases that do not include these types of changes. To see these changes, please go to the releases page.

New Recipes

  • ai.timefold.solver.migration.v8.RemoveConstraintPackageRecipe: Remove the use of constraint package from asConstraint(package, name).
  • io.quarkus.updates.core.quarkus313.UpdateTestOIDCAuthServerUrl:
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel40.CamelMigrationRecipe: Migrate camel3 application to camel4.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel40.ChangeManagedChoiceMBeanMethodName: MBeans now use a consistent method name of extendedInformation.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel40.ChangeManagedFailoverLoadBalancerMBeanMethodName: MBeans now use a consistent method name of extendedInformation.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel40.ChangeTypes: Change type of classes related to change of API.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel40.UsePluginHelperForContextGetters:
  • Apache Camel API migration from version 3.20 or higher to 4.0. Removal of deprecated APIs.
  • Camel bean recipe.
  • The InOnly and InOut EIPs have been removed. Instead, use 'SetExchangePattern' or 'To' where you can specify the exchange pattern to use.
  • Camel Http Extension changes.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel40.xml.CircuitBreakerXmlDslRecipe: Apache Camel XML DSL Circuit Breaker migration from version 3.20 or higher to 4.0.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel40.xml.XmlDslRecipe: Apache Camel XML DSL migration from version 3.20 or higher to 4.0.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel40.yaml.CamelYamlRouteConfigurationSequenceRecipe: Camel YAML changes. route-configuration children sequence is replaced with mappingEntry (with special migration of "on-exception").
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel40.yaml.CamelYamlStepsInFromRecipe: The YAML DSL backwards compatible mode in Camel 3.14 or older, which allowed 'steps' to be defined as a child of 'route' has been removed.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel41.CamelCoreRecipe: Apache Camel Core migration from version 4.0 to 4.1.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel41.TracingTag: The Tag Enum containing constants for tagging spans has been deprecated. Instead, use constants from the TagConstants.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel41.XmlDslRecipe: Apache Camel XML DSL migration from version 4.0 to 4.1.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel41.YamlDslRecipe: If inlined bean is created, parameters type and beanType has bean changed.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel42.CamelMainDebugger: The option camel.main.debugger has been renamed to camel.debug.enabled.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel42.CamelSagaRecipe: Apache Camel Core migration from version 4.0 to 4.1.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel43.CamelResequenceEIPXmlRecipe: Batch and stream attributes were renamed in Resequence EIP XML DSL.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel43.CamelThrottleEIPRecipe: Apache Camel Core migration from version 4.0 to 4.1.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel43.KafkaMetadata: The header name for the List metadata has changed also the dsl method for metadata changed.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel43.StateRepository: Moved classes MemoryStateRepository and FileStateRepositor from camel-base-engine to camel-support.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel44.CamelCoreRecipe: Apache Camel Core migration from version 4.3 to 4.4.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel44.CamelMigrationRecipe: Migrates camel 4.0 application to camel 4.4.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel44.DefaultJsonSchemaLoader: Replaces deprecated class with its successor.
  • org.apache.camel.updates.camel44.RouteControllerProperties:
  • org.apache.camel.updates.customRecipes.ChangePropertyKeyWithCaseChange: Change prefix of property with Camel case
  • org.apache.camel.updates.customRecipes.MoveGetterToPluginHelper: Move getter from context to PluginHelper
  • org.openrewrite.csharp.dependencies.DependencyInsight: Finds dependencies in *.csproj and packages.config.
  • org.openrewrite.csharp.dependencies.DependencyVulnerabilityCheck: This software composition analysis (SCA) tool detects and upgrades dependencies with publicly disclosed vulnerabilities. This recipe both generates a report of vulnerable dependencies and upgrades to newer versions with fixes. This recipe only upgrades to the latest patch version. If a minor or major upgrade is required to reach the fixed version, this recipe will not make any changes. Vulnerability information comes from the GitHub Security Advisory Database, which aggregates vulnerability data from several public databases, including the National Vulnerability Database maintained by the United States government. Dependencies following Semantic Versioning will see their patch version updated where applicable.
  • org.openrewrite.csharp.dependencies.UpgradeDependencyVersion: Upgrades dependencies in *.csproj and packages.config.
  • Migrate from OpenRewrite's JSR-305 meta-annotations to JSpecify.
  • Replaces Runtime.getLocalizedInputStream(InputStream) and Runtime.getLocalizedOutputStream(OutputStream) with their direct arguments. This modification is made because the previous implementation of getLocalizedInputStream and getLocalizedOutputStream merely returned the arguments provided.
  •$PreconditionsCheckNotNullWithMessageToObjectsRequireNonNullRecipe: Migrate from Guava Preconditions.checkNotNull to Java 8 java.util.Objects.requireNonNull.
  • As of 5.0 *Listener interfaces default methods (made possible by a Java 8 baseline) can be implemented directly without the need for the adapter.
  • SolrAutoConfiguration was removed in Spring Boot 3; remove references to it from exclusions on annotations.
  • setReadTimeout(..) was removed in Spring Framework 6.1.
  • Replace JUnit 4's SpringClassRule and SpringMethodRule with JUnit 5's SpringExtension or rely on an existing @SpringBootTest.
  • Replace SpringFox Dependencies.
  • Migrate from SpringFox Swagger to SpringDoc and OpenAPI.
  • Collapse consecutive assertThat statements into single assertThat chained statement. This recipe ignores assertThat statements that have method invocation as parameter.
  • Add Hamcrest JUnit dependency only if JUnit 4's assertThat or assumeThat is used.
  • Migrating from JUnit 4 to 5 changes the default strictness of the mocks from WARN to STRICT_STUBS. To prevent tests from failing we restore the original behavior by adding @MockitoSettings(strictness = Strictness.WARN).
  • org.openrewrite.openapi.swagger.UseJakartaSwaggerArtifacts: Migrate from javax Swagger artifacts to Jakarta versions.
  • Annotations that could be applied to either a field or a type are better applied to the type, because similar annotations may be more restrictive, leading to compile errors like 'scoping construct cannot be annotated with type-use annotation' when migrating later.

Removed Recipes

  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel40.UsePluginHelperForContextGetters:
  • Apache Camel API migration from version 3.20 or higher to 4.0. Removal of deprecated APIs.
  • Camel bean recipe.
  • The InOnly and InOut EIPs have been removed. Instead, use 'SetExchangePattern' or 'To' where you can specify the exchange pattern to use.
  • Camel Http Extension changes.
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel40.xml.CircuitBreakerXmlDslRecipe: Apache Camel XML DSL Circuit Breaker migration from version 3.20 or higher to 4.0.
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel40.xml.XmlDslRecipe: Apache Camel XML DSL migration from version 3.20 or higher to 4.0.
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel40.yaml.CamelQuarkusYamlRouteConfigurationSequenceRecipe: Camel YAML changes. route-configuration children sequence is replaced with mappingEntry (with special migration of "on-exception").
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel40.yaml.CamelQuarkusYamlStepsInFromRecipe: The YAML DSL backwards compatible mode in Camel 3.14 or older, which allowed 'steps' to be defined as a child of 'route' has been removed.
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel41.CamelCoreRecipe: Apache Camel Core migration from version 4.0 to 4.1.
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel41.TracingTag: The Tag Enum containing constants for tagging spans has been deprecated. Instead, use constants from the TagConstants.
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel41.XmlDslRecipe: Apache Camel XML DSL migration from version 4.0 to 4.1.
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel41.YamlDslRecipe: If inlined bean is created, parameters type and beanType has bean changed.
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel42.CamelMainDebugger: The option camel.main.debugger has been renamed to camel.debug.enabled.
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel42.CamelSagaRecipe: Apache Camel Core migration from version 4.0 to 4.1.
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel43.CamelResequenceEIPXmlRecipe: Batch and stream attributes were renamed in Resequence EIP XML DSL.
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel43.CamelThrottleEIPRecipe: Apache Camel Core migration from version 4.0 to 4.1.
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel43.KafkaMetadata: The header name for the List metadata has changed also the dsl method for metadata changed.
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel43.StateRepository: Moved classes MemoryStateRepository and FileStateRepositor from camel-base-engine to camel-support.
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel44.CamelCoreRecipe: Apache Camel Core migration from version 4.3 to 4.4.
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel44.DefaultJsonSchemaLoader: Replaces deprecated class with its successor.
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.camel44.RouteControllerProperties:
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.customRecipes.ChangePropertyKeyWithCaseChange: Change prefix of property with Camel case
  • io.quarkus.updates.camel.customRecipes.MoveGetterToPluginHelper: Move getter from context to PluginHelper
  • io.quarkus.updates.core.quarkus313.WithTestResource:
  • io.quarkus.updates.core.quarkus313.WithTestResourceRestrictToAnnotatedClassValue:
  • MBeans now use a consistent method name of extendedInformation.
  • MBeans now use a consistent method name of extendedInformation.
  • Change type of classes related to change of API.
  • Prefer java.util.Objects#requireNonNull instead of using
  • As of 5.0 ChunkListener has default methods (made possible by a Java 8 baseline) and can be implemented directly without the need for this adapter.
  • As of 5.0 JobExecutionListener has default methods (made possible by a Java 8 baseline) and can be implemented directly without the need for this adapter.
  • As of 5.0 RepeatListener has default methods (made possible by a Java 8 baseline) and can be implemented directly without the need for this adapter.
  • As of 5.0 SkipListener has default methods (made possible by a Java 8 baseline) and can be implemented directly without the need for this adapter.
  • As of 5.0 StepExecutionListener has default methods (made possible by a Java 8 baseline) and can be implemented directly without the need for this adapter.

Changed Recipes

  • org.openrewrite.maven.ChangePluginGroupIdAndArtifactId was changed:
    • Old Options:
      • newArtifact: { type: String, required: false }
      • newGroupId: { type: String, required: false }
      • oldArtifactId: { type: String, required: true }
      • oldGroupId: { type: String, required: true }
    • New Options:
      • newArtifact: { type: String, required: false }
      • newArtifactId: { type: String, required: false }
      • newGroupId: { type: String, required: false }
      • oldArtifactId: { type: String, required: true }
      • oldGroupId: { type: String, required: true }