Use Maven compiler plugin release configuration

Replaces any explicit source or target configuration (if present) on the maven-compiler-plugin with release, and updates the release value if needed. Will not downgrade the Java version if the current version is higher.

Recipe source

GitHub, Issue Tracker, Maven Central

  • groupId: org.openrewrite.recipe

  • artifactId: rewrite-migrate-java

  • version: 2.12.0



This recipe has required configuration parameters. Recipes with required configuration parameters cannot be activated directly. To activate this recipe you must create a new recipe which fills in the required parameters. In your rewrite.yml create a new recipe with a unique name. For example: com.yourorg.UseMavenCompilerPluginReleaseConfigurationExample. Here's how you can define and customize such a recipe within your rewrite.yml:

name: com.yourorg.UseMavenCompilerPluginReleaseConfigurationExample
displayName: Use Maven compiler plugin release configuration example
      releaseVersion: 11

Now that com.yourorg.UseMavenCompilerPluginReleaseConfigurationExample has been defined activate it and take a dependency on org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-migrate-java:2.12.0 in your build file:

  1. Add the following to your pom.xml file:

  1. Run mvn rewrite:run to run the recipe.

See how this recipe works across multiple open-source repositories

The community edition of the Moderne platform enables you to easily run recipes across thousands of open-source repositories.

Please contact Moderne for more information about safely running the recipes on your own codebase in a private SaaS.


Nick McKinney, Sam Snyder, Joan Viladrosa, Jonathan Schneider, traceyyoshima, Tim te Beek

Last updated