Enhances logging of exceptions by including the full stack trace in addition to the exception message


It is a common mistake to call Exception.getMessage() when passing an exception into a log method. Not all exception types have useful messages, and even if the message is useful this omits the stack trace. Including a complete stack trace of the error along with the exception message in the log allows developers to better understand the context of the exception and identify the source of the error more quickly and accurately. If the method invocation includes any call to Exception.getMessage() or Exception.getLocalizedMessage() and not an exception is already passed as the last parameter to the log method, then we will append the exception as the last parameter in the log method.


  • slf4j

  • logging

Recipe source

GitHub, Issue Tracker, Maven Central

  • groupId: org.openrewrite.recipe

  • artifactId: rewrite-logging-frameworks

  • version: 2.6.0


This recipe has no required configuration options. It can be activated by adding a dependency on org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-logging-frameworks:2.6.0 in your build file or by running a shell command (in which case no build changes are needed):

  1. Add the following to your build.gradle file:

plugins {
    id("org.openrewrite.rewrite") version("6.12.0")

rewrite {

repositories {

dependencies {
  1. Run gradle rewriteRun to run the recipe.

See how this recipe works across multiple open-source repositories

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Please contact Moderne for more information about safely running the recipes on your own codebase in a private SaaS.


Kun Li, Knut Wannheden, Jonathan Schnéider

Last updated